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What is RYLA

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is a leadership training program that brings together sophomores, juniors, and seniors to further develop character and leadership skills and learn about Rotary.   This experience offers the opportunity to build self-confidence, gain exposure to a variety of issues and people, meet active community leaders, and learn valuable information and career skills.

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RYLA Objectives

To demonstrate Rotary's respect and concern for youth

To encourage and assist young people in responsible and effective voluntary youth leadership by providing them with a valuable training experience

To foster continued and stronger leadership of youth by youth

To publicly recognize the many young people who are rendering service to their communities as youth leaders

"RYLA was the most amazing experience!  I loved the connections and friendships I created with other people, working together in teams with others, and building my leadership and communication skills" - RYLA participants

RYLA gives Rotarians the opportunity to mentor promising young leaders serving their own communities and beyond.  Rotarians serve as resources for participants on the path to becoming professional and community leaders.

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